Blog post by Sanjay Kumar, Les7Vents

The great added value the OSR-Coop Project’s partners get from their work activities within the frames of the project are the numerous opportunities for knowledge sharing and exchange. While done for the sake of realising the project’s programme and its objectives, these opportunities provide insights and lessons that are transversal and useful both for the project and beyond.

In a significant step forward, in a direction of further shaping its offerings, the project's partner from France Les7Vents embarked on a transformative workshop held online in the spring of 2024. Facilitated by Sandy Rushton and Jonathan Atkinson from People Power Retrofit, the session marked a pivotal moment for Les 7 Vents as it delved into the blueprinting of its services, a process vital for the project's activities.

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This workshop not only marked the debut immersion using the English language of Les7Vents' advisory team members within the OSR-Coop project activities but also set the stage for profound introspection and adaptation. The session was an important milestone for Les7Vents in the midst of focusing on blueprinting its future services and fostering stronger collaboration with its stakeholders.

Five key figures from Les7Vents participated in the workshop: Erwan Lerouge and Lionel Montpied as advisors, Julien Fremont as team coordinator, Grégoire Boucé as CEO, and Sanjay Kumar as EU project manager. Equipped with computers and a strong vision for the organisation’s future, they engaged in strategic discussions about its future trajectory within the activities of the OSR-Coop Project and beyond.

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Overcoming Barriers and Looking Ahead

The workshop explored transitioning Les7Vents from a cooperative that provides public services into a more privatised model, raising questions about ways of monetising its services while maintaining its public service ideals and values. Therefore, the central question guiding the discussions was clear: how can Les7Vents preserve the integrity of its advisory services and foster meaningful relationships in an increasingly competitive landscape?

Despite some language barriers, Sandy and Jonathan skilfully guided the participants through the complex process of fulfilling the workshop's objectives. Their patience and clarity ensured meaningful engagement from all attendees, laying a strong foundation for ongoing collaboration and refinement. As Les7Vents moves forward, it aims to leverage the insights gained from this workshop to become a more agile and responsive entity.

Aside from the online meetings and work activities, continued online collaboration is crucial too as the organisation navigates policy changes and market dynamics, all while remaining firm in its commitment to public service. This workshop, part of the broader OSR Coop Project, exemplified the valuable opportunities for knowledge sharing and exchange that benefit both the project and the wider community.

Les7Vents is well set to continue building on these foundations, driving forward with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards innovation and excellence.